New Zealand Owned and operated family business
Easy Products Limited was founded in 1961 as a family chemical manufacturing business of which the directors are all Aucklanders with three generations of experience in the chemical field. Easy Products popular products include :- cleaning chemicals, paper towels
- toilet tissues, rubbish bags
- gloves, mops and buckets and more.

Easy Products is engaged in the formulation and manufacture of speciality chemical products for the institutional, industrial, janitorial markets.
We play a role in the community at large and its environment by actively and continuously working towards the development and manufacture of the safest possible products.
Easy Products uses readily biodegradable surfactants for nearly all its detergents.
The majority of our products and processes are designed in such a way that any negative impact is so minimal that any environmental phenomena cannot be observed against the natural background of effects at levels of exposure already encountered in the environment and hence, are safe from the point of view of ecology and toxicology.